Affecting Lives
Making a Difference
nphic Overview
NPHIC Overview
The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) is an independent organization of professionals sought after to improve America's health through public health communications.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
The National Public Health Information Coalition is the premier network of public health communicators in the United States and U.S. territories. We are committed to "making public health public" by sharing our knowledge, expertise and resources to effectively communicate about the important health issues of the day -- helping people lead healthier lives in healthier communities.
the need to maximize the effectiveness of public health programs
NPHIC History
The need for established public affairs or public information professionals arose out of the information explosion in the US during the late 1970s and 1980s. The importance of these professionals was and is still based on the need to maximize the effectiveness of public health programs.

Raise The Voice Of Public Health!
Your company can make a difference to “Make Public Health Public.”
The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) invites you to become an Affinity Partner with the nation’s premier network of public health communicators for a $25,000 contribution.
NPHIC Partnership offers the opportunity to raise your company’s visibility and show your value to health communicators.

Affinity Partners
Benefit Highlights
- NPHIC Membership
- Your logo displayed on NPHIC home page
- NPHIC Affinity Partner mark for use on your materials
- Recognition of your Support across NPHIC’s Social & Digital Media platforms
- Opportunity to present to NPHIC Membership on a NPHIC conference call or webinar