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Health Care Jobs Grew at Fastest Rate in Over 30 Years

In 2023, health care employment surged at its fastest rate since 1991, expanding by 3.9%, outpacing the overall industry growth of 1.5%. This growth, adding 654,000 jobs, accounted for nearly a quarter of all new U.S. jobs. While December saw a temporary hiring slowdown, the sector rebounded the following month.


Outpatient care jobs rose by 9.6%, and hospital employment increased by 3.7%, but staffing in nursing and residential facilities remains 4.6% below pre-pandemic levels despite recent growth. The rise is partly due to replacing workers who left due to burnout. Health insurers note a surge in people seeking care, hinting at a backlog of deferred elective procedures, contributing to increased demand and potentially higher insurance costs. Read more from Axios here.