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January is Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month

Winter sports can be dangerous, specifically regarding the risk of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). January is Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month, and now is a good time to remember that a TBI can happen to anyone and that you can help prevent them. TBIs happen when external force impacts the brain, like in a fall or if a hard, flying object hits you in the head. These hard impacts can cause concussions, coup-contrecoups, and contusions, and TBIs collectively are a leading cause of death for people under age 44. They can also cause short- and long-term disabilities and affect children’s brain development. Taking proper safety precautions for the sport you participate in is the easiest way to prevent TBIs. That means wearing protective gear while skiing, snowboarding, playing ice hockey, and other sports. Wearing a helmet drastically reduces your risk of a TBI. Learn more from NPHIC here.