Corporate Guidelines
This document outlines guiding principles for NPHIC and corporate entities to adhere to when entering into partnerships, accepting corporate financial support in the form of grants and sponsorships and the collaboration of marketing a product or service through the NPHIC Partnership Program
NPHIC values opportunities to engage in constructive partnerships with corporate entities as a way to advance NPHIC's mission and public health goals. Such partnerships are consistent with the proposition that private business is an important partner in the nation's public health system.
The intention of this policy is to provide guidelines and governance to the NPHIC/Corporate relationship. These guidelines have established guiding principles for NPHIC and corporate entities to adhere to when entering into a partnership, acceptance of corporate financial support in the form of grants and sponsorships and the collaboration of marketing a product or service through the NPHIC Parternship Program.
I. Principles Applicable to NPHIC to enter into partnerships with Corporate Entities and Acceptance of Corporate Financial Support.
NPHIC will assert and maintain its independence of decision-making and avoid any partnership in which there may be any real or perceived influence by a corporation on NPHIC's policies, practices or work products.
The NPHIC Board of Directors must approve all corporate partnerships and assure that a proposed partnership is consistent with these principles and its mission.
NPHIC will retain full control of the use of its name and logo and any data collected through the funded process, including publication.
NPHIC will not enter into a partnership with a corporation whose products and/or practices considered as whole, in NPHIC's best judgment, conflict intrinsically with the missions and values of NPHIC and local health departments or are fundamentally inimical to the health of the public.
NPHIC will publicly disclose all corporate partnerships.
II. Principles Applicable for Corporate Grants
Corporate support for work in a NPHIC program area must be consistent with and enhance NPHIC's mission and work plan in that area.
The corporate grantor will be recognized as agreed upon between NPHIC and the grantor in or on the final work product; however, NPHIC will exercise exclusive control over the content.
III. Principles Applicable for Corporate Sponsorships
Corporate sponsorships of events or meetings shall enhance the value of the event to NPHIC members.
The corporate sponsor will be recognized as agreed upon between NPHIC and the sponsor at the event; however, NPHIC will exercise exclusive control over the management and content of the event.
IV. Principles Applicable for Corporate Partnership Programs
NPHIC will evaluate the product or service proposed by the corporation to be offered jointly to ascertain the following:
- Quality
- The nature and quality of competing products and their sponsors
- The financial benefits and risks to NPHIC.